Conditional Design
What is Conditional Design ?
A working method that involves drawing up arbitrary constraints and rules of play, fostering both a strongly collaborative spirit and unpredictable end results.
So to work with this we had to be divided into groups of 4 or 5 so i decided to team up with 3 other classmates of mine being Taylor, Edward and David.
The Perfect Circle
For this exercise we had to create the perfect circle. One of us had to start the work by drawing a circle in the middle of the page and then the next one would have a go and start drawing around the circle to try make a better one. We all had a different colour marker so it shows the stages the work went through.
Because we only had around 40 second for a turn and some would even try to take shortcuts by trying to make it look bigger, the image now looks like this and you can actually tell. I had the red marker for all exercises.

For this exercise it has basically the same rules as the other one , we have to take turns, we must use different colours, and so we did.
First thing first is that each of us had to put dots, and after some were done then we had the chance to connect them and shapes would form. After e decent shape was formed, whose turn was next was to fill iy up as shown in the picture with his colour.
We were given a total of around 15 minutes and in the end it looked something like this.

The final one was a bit more complicated then the first two, as you can tell my group was more confused than the other ones for all we did was 3 to 4 lines. For this exercise wasn't very clear , we had to fold the corners of the paper and where it folded we had to put a dot and so on and later we would connect the dotes and a final outcome would look something like the other works shown in the picture.
This one with the dots all over it is The Beach, what we had to do for this one is find an empty space on the paper and put a dot in it. We had to keep doing this for at least five minutes.